The suburban environment is evolving rapidly. The pandemic accelerated remote working and catalysed increased focus on the suburbs; the climate crisis, political context and cost of living are keeping all eyes on our city’s fringes. In the context of our metropolitan areas the suburbs provide unique opportunity to address these challenges, bringing nature back to the city, improving resident wellbeing, fostering a sense of community and offering a more affordable way of living.

Superbia builds on our 2020 report, Towards Superbia, which investigated the raft of interventions transforming spaces during the pandemic. Superbia assesses the impact of these interventions and uncovers trends, trials and opportunities to inform how and where we continue to improve our suburbs.

Sharing insights from public and private sector players shaping suburbs worldwide we set out recommendations around four trends:

  1. Equitable suburbs: not all suburbs are equally accessible
  2. Escaping the city: the role of public realm in wellbeing
  3. The return of the high street: renewed patronage of the local
  4. Working in the suburbs: flexibility and choice

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Superbia: post-pandemic change in the suburbs